Welcome to WEDGiTS!

WEDGiTS are fun and challenging, multi-dimensional building sets that can be nested, stacked, linked and wedged together to create hundreds of designs.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

MetroMoms Testing Toys!

Did you miss seeing WEDGiTS on TV? Dallas, TX residents watched MetroMoms on CBS11TV showing off WEDGiTS and some other great products!

Metro Moms, Barbara and Tina, looked at a number of the most popular toys on the market for children and WEDGiTS was one of their top picks! Check out the products they love Wee WEDGiTS (For Ages 1+) and mini WEDGiTS (For Ages 5+):

We love that you can enjoy WEDGiTS at home, online or on TV!
Are you a mom in the Dallas area? Check out Metro Moms upcoming events:

Monday, July 5, 2010

All-American WEDGiTS

Were you one of the lucky few who got a WEDGiTS All-American Limited Edition Set? In honor of our Nation's Independence, here is a glimpse at the WEDGiTS All-American Set:

Here are a few fun designs with WEDGiTS All-American sets:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Creating Imagination Set Designs

So we have played with the WEDGiTS Imagination Set. Then we added the Xtras Building Board Kit! Today we are adding the Xtras Cards & STiX Kit to the mix! Have you seen it? Here it is:

This set includes a deck of design cards created exclusively for the Imagination Series! Here are some of our design ideas, but if you just HAVE TO HAVE MORE, then the Xtras Cards & STiX is the perfect addition to your Imagination Set:

Check back next week for more fun with WEDGiTS! Happy Independence Day (weekend)!